BBARC Welcome and Wellness Center
3333 W. Pensacola St., Suite 210, Tallahassee, FL 32304; Phone: 850-270-3302
NEW Drop-in hours: Mondays 9 am – 2 pm
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays by appointment only
The BBARC Welcome and Wellness Center offers case management, training, classes, workshops, and opportunities for social engagement or mentoring for individuals returning from incarceration. All are welcome!
Community organizations and agencies who are interested in providing these, or other services, at our location should complete the Welcome & Wellness Center Programming Form or contact Elaine Webb at 850-270-3302.
A free 31-day bus pass will be provided to all returning citizens who attend our programs, as funds allow, to assist with transportation needs.
Upcoming programming (click to register):
- Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin-by World (Registration open)
- New series will begin in the new year, dates TBD. Register early to secure your spot!
- An initiative of Capital Area Community Action Agency (CACAA)
- Stipends for participants – $25 Walmart gift card received each week of attendance
- A research-based anti-poverty workshop developed by Dr. Ruby Payne and Phil DeVol. Based on the Bridges Out of Poverty concepts, the overarching idea is that people in poverty are experts in their own situation
- During the course of the 15-weekly 2-hour sessions, investigators discover why poverty exists and discuss what resources a person needs in order to move out of poverty. Must be willing and able to commit to attending all 15 sessions.
- Control the Fire Anger Management Classes (Registration open)
- New series starts Thursday, September 19th, 5:30 – 7 pm, Register and secure your spot today!
- Provided by Divine Revelations Ministries, Inc. (DRMI)
- 501c3 non-profit charitable organization
- General public and/or court-involved are welcome
- Approved Leon County court-ordered anger management program
- Domain program with Florida Department of Corrections
- 5 sessions for $50, plus a $10 workbook (Scholarships may be available)
- To Register: Call 877-572-3399 x2 or 850-755-7167, Email
or visit website at
- Reclaiming Freedom from Addictions and Substances (Registration open)
- Provided by Divine Revelations Ministries, Inc. (DRMI)
- 501c3 non-profit charitable organization
- General public and/or court-involved are welcome
- Approved substance misuse program at Leon County Detention Facility
- Domain program with Florida Department of Corrections
- 8 sessions for $160 (Scholarships may be available)
- To Register: Call 877-572-3399 x2 or 850-755-7167, Email
or visit website at
- Peer Support Groups & Mentoring
- Women’s Support Groups – [NEW DATE] 2nd Wednesday of every month, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
- Men’s Support Groups – Coming soon
- If you are interested in participating in a peer support group and/or having a mentor, please fill out the linked form.
- Coming soon: Life-mapping group, Movie nights
- GED Support and Tutoring
- Adult Community Education (ACE) School offers classes online and in-person. If you are unable to attend classes on the ACE main campus (526 Appleyard Dr.) due to past convictions, there are options for you:
- You can complete your classes online.
- Computers available for use and free GED support at the BBARC Welcome and Wellness Center (3333 W. Pensacola St., Suite 210.)
- Free one-on-one tutoring and support through Leon County Libraries (
- Vouchers for classes and testing are available for those who qualify.
- Adult Community Education (ACE) School offers classes online and in-person. If you are unable to attend classes on the ACE main campus (526 Appleyard Dr.) due to past convictions, there are options for you:
- 24:7 Dads (Dates/times will be set to meet your schedule)
- Carter’s Corner 24:7 Dads is a voluntary, comprehensive fatherhood program designed to help men improve their parenting skills and fathering knowledge. The program focuses on building self-awareness, self-caring, and parenting, fathering, and relationship skills through 12 weekly, two-hour group or individual sessions.
- To Register: call Sam Carter @ 850-510-6702